Seminar: Family Systems and Interculturality. Families of Chinese origin. Families from Morocco.

Held on 13 and 14 February 2009, by Amèlia Saiz and Yolanda Aixelá. Training organized jointly with ISBA Institut Sistèmic de Barcelona in collaboration with the Doctor Robert Foundation of the UAB

Other seminars held:

  • Anthropologie Medicale Clinique et Migrations (level II), October 24 and 25, 2008. Taught by Dr. Rachid Bennegadi.
  • Anthropologie Medicale Clinique et Migrations (level I), October 26 and 27, 2007. Taught by Dr. Rachid Bennegadi.
  • Intercultural Relations and Communication (level III: negotiation-mediation) 1, 2 and 3 February 2007 Taught by Dra. Ariella Rothberg.
  • Intercultural Relations and Communication (level II: decentralization) May 23, 24 and 25, 2006. Taught by Dra. Ariella Rothberg.
  • Intercultural Relations and Communication (level I) November 2005 Taught by Dra. Margalit Cohen-Emerique